The Alexander Martin Chapter, NSDAR, is dedicated to the mission of the DAR in promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America’s future through better education for children.
The chapter has been active in historic preservation throughout Guilford County. One of our most visible markers honors our Patriots and is located at the Veterans Memorial in High Point. In celebration of the 100th Anniversary of our chapter’s founding, another marker was placed next to the historic Millis house, home of the chapter’s first regent, which is now named Millis Square.
The chapter sponsors activities in each area of focus including the following:
Historic Preservation
- Promote the preservation of local historical sites, venues, and monuments
- Support the National Society in the preservation of NSDAR buildings
- Participate in local historic programs, tours, and events
- Planted a historically authentic herb garden at the High Point Museum where visitors could discover how herbs were used to treat illnesses, dye cloth, deodorize rooms and repel bugs
Promoting Patriotism
- Support U.S. veterans
- Host a welcome home reception for our Vietnam veterans each year.
- Observe Flag Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day
- Recognize local veterans
- Celebrate Constitution Week by exhibiting at the High Point Farmer’s Market.
- Participate in Bells Across America on September 17 to honor the signing of the Constitution
- Sponsor DAR American History Essay Contests for grades five and six
- Organize DAR Good Citizens Award and Scholarship Contest for high school seniors
- Support DAR schools
- Support the High Point Library Heritage Research Center
Photos this page are courtesy of chapter archives.
The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Web hyperlinks to
non-DAR sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.