Chapter Patriots
Listed by state of service are the names and ranks for the ancestors of the Thomas Hadley Chapter, NSDAR, members. This list includes Patriots of the American Revolution and ancestors who contributed to the independence cause through civil or patriotic service. For more information on a particular Patriot, go to
Ancestor Search at
- Edmund Quincy, Jr., PVT, PS
- William Whitlatch, PVT, PS
New Jersey
- Samuel Fordyce, PVT
- Lot Leonard, CAPT
New York
North Carolina
- Drewry Aldrich, PS
- Abner Aycock, PVT
- John Aycock, SOL, PS
- Mathias Barnhart, PS
- Beverly Belcher, PS
- Benjamin Best, PS
- Henry Best, SOL
- Wimbeck Boney, SOL
- Benjamin Boykin, PS
- Edward Cobb, PS
- John Cowing, SOL
- Joseph Davis, CS
- Jesse Dildy, PS
- Elisha Ellis, PVT
- David Gatlin, PS
- George Glascock, PS
- Benjamin Hardy, PS
- Lemuel Hardy, PS
- James Holt, ENS
- Thomas Hughes, SOL
- Curtis Ivey, CAPT
- William Kornegay, SOL
- George Mallard, PS
- John Mallard, SOL
North Carolina (Continued)
- Benjamin May, MAJ, CS, PS
- Burwell Moring, Lt, CS, PS
- Mark Myatt, LT
- Robert Penland, PS
- William Pigford, PS
- John Pinnell, LT, PS
- Noel Renfrew, PS
- William Robbins, SOL
- Daniel Robinson, PVT
- George Shackelford, PVT
- Aquilla Suggs, CS, PS
- John Suggs, PVT
- William Wilkens Taylor, CS
- Noah Tyson, PS
- John Ward, Jr., PVT
- Jacob Wells, PS
- Joseph Williamson, CAPT, CS
- John Wooten, PVT, PS
- Isaac Cushman, SGT, PS
- Archibald Guthrie, PVT
- George Hogg, PVT
- Lot Leonard, CAPT
- Gaspard Markell, CS, PS
- Richard Tennant, NONCOM
- Abraham Wells, PVT, PS
- William Whitlatch, PVT, PS
- George Wolfe, Sr., PS
- William Wood, PVT
- Elisha Dodson, PS
- Simmons Everett, CS, PS
- Hugh Henry, Jr., LT
- Hugh Henry, Sr., PS
- Thomas Self, PVT
- Richard Tennant, NONCOM
- William Whitehead, PS
Please note that the information on this page does not constitute proof of lineage
and cannot be used in place of record copy.
The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Web hyperlinks to
non-DAR sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.