Chapter Patriots
We are proud to honor the Mary Slocumb Chapter ancestors who rendered civil, patriotic, and/or military service in the American War for Independence. Listed below are states of service followed by names and ranks.
- Holmes, David, STAFFOF
- Loomis, Joel, CAPT
- Luddington, Samuel, PVT
- Pierce, David, CS/PS
- Warren, Moses Sr., CAPT
- Day, James, PVT
- Duckett, Robert, PS
- King, Edward, PS/PVT
- Logsdon, William, PS/PVT
- Walker, George, PVT
- Barker, Barnabas, PVT
- Gregory, William Sr., PS
- Hall, Brian, LT
- Janes, Jonathan, PVT
- Litchfield, Lothrop, PVT
- Reynolds, Joseph, CPL
- Sage, Allen, LT
- Sherwin, Daniel, PVT
- Tolman, Isiah, CS/PS
New Jersey
- Broderick, William, SGT
- Countryman, Henry, CAPT
- Hart, John, PS/SDI
- Hugg, Peter, PVT
- Leonard, Samuel, PVT
- Schamp, David, CAPT
- Van Arsdale, Cornelius, LT
- Van Nuys, Issac, PS
New York
- Deyo, Christian, PS
- Ward, Aaron, SGT
North Carolina
- Alderman, David, SOL
- Alexander, John McKnitt, CS/PS
- Balch, Jacob, PS
- Beatty, Thomas, COL/CS
- Brandon, Richard, PS
- Brawley, Neil, PS
- Brown, Michael, CS/PS
- Bullard, Thomas, PVT
- Cleveland, Robert, CAPT
- Davidson, William Lee, BGEN
- Dickens, Robert, PS
- Dysart, James, SOL
- Holland, William, CAPT
- Hoyle, John, CS/PS/ENS
- Hunter, Henry, PVT
- Kincaid, Robert, PVT
- Lieb/Lipe, Joseph, PVT
- Lewis, Jacob, PVT
- McClure, Matthew, CS/PS
- McCorkle, Francis, CS/PS/CAPT
- McCurdy, Archibald, CAPT
- McNabb, David, CAPT
- Miller, Wendel, LT
- Moore, Henry, PS
- Morgan, Nathan, PVT
- Morrison, James, CS/PS
- Olive, Jesse, PS
- Patton, Robert, CAPT
- Phillips, William, PS
- Pippen, Solomon, PS
- Raynor, David, PS
- Register, Benjamin, SOL
- Rudisill, Philip, Jr., PS
- Shuping, John, CS/PS
- Simmons, James, PVT
- Sloan, James, PVT
- Strickland, Jacob, PS
- Strickland, Solomon, PS
- Stubblefield, Thomas, PS
- Thompson, Bartholomew, PVT
- Treadwell, John, MAJ
- Ward, Nancy, PS
- Ware, John, PVT
- Ware, Samuel, SOL
- Warlick, Barbara, PS
- Williams, Joseph, PVT
- Barnes, Teter, PVT
- Benner, Philip, PVT
- Boyer, Peter, CAPT
- Craig, Robert, CAPT
- Dunlap, William, PS
- Ewing, William, PVT
- Hess, Conrad, PS
- Kelly, William, PVT
- Krapper, Paul, CS/PS
- McDowell, John, PS
- Nuzum, Thomas, CS
- Pensinger, Henry, PVT
- Salmon, Joseph, PS/ENS
- Sheller, Daniel, PVT
- Shoemaker, Jacob, PVT
- Smith, Melchoir, CPL
- Van De Mark, Benjamin, PS/PVT
- Willis, Joseph, PS/PVT
- Wilson, John, PS
- Wygant, Cornelius, PVT
Rhode Island
- Childs, Haile, PVT
- Howard, Daniel, SGT
South Carolina
- Anderson, Denny, PVT
- Blakeney, John, CAPT
- Bobo, Sampson, SOL
- Langston, Solomon, PS/LT
- Lenoir, Thomas, PS
- McDowell, John, SC
- Richardson, Richard Sr., PS/BGEN
- Richardson, Richard Jr., COL
- Sloan, George Thomas, SGT
- Smith, Charles, PS
- Stroud, Thomas, SOL
- Weidman, Adam, SOL
- Averill, John, PS/CAPT
- Brown, Sylvanus, SGT
- Cushman, Charles Sr., PVT
- Hopkins, Benjamin, CAPT
- Marvin, Ebenezer, CAPT
- Ballinger, Joseph, PS
- Blankenship, Isham, PS
- Booker, James, PS
- Brown, Sylvanus, SGT
- Cary, Archibald, CS/PS/COL
- Clayton, Charles, CS
- Collier, Vines, PS
- Copeland, David, CS
- Cox, John, CS/CAPT
- Godbey, George, PVT
- Gresham, John, SOL
- Harrison, Benjamin, PS/SDI
- Loggins, John, PVT
- Mayhew, John Love William, PVT
- Mozingo, Charles, PS
- Pagan, David, PVT
- Pearson, Shadrack, PS
- Pulliam, John, PVT
- Randolph, Thomas Isham, PS
- Reeves, George Sr., PS/LT
- Snow, Frost Jr., PVT
- Spencer, John, LT
- Spencer, Thomas, PS/CS
- Swords, Michael, PS/PVT
- Thompson, John, PVT
- Tuggle, John, PS/PVT
- Turner, Karenhappuch, PS
- Webb, John, LTCOL
- Yelton, James, PS
Abbreviations for
Patriot Service Ranks
BGEN — Brigadier General
CAPT — Captain
CAV — Cavalry
CL — Continental Line
COL — Colonel
CPL — Corporal
CS — Civil Service
ENS — Ensign
GEN — General
LT — Lieutenant
LTCOL — Lieutenant Colonel
MAJ — Major
MIL — Militia
NO — Naval Officer
PS — Patriotic Service
PVT — Private
QM — Quartermaster
SDI — Signer of the
Declaration of Independence
SLR — Sailor
SGT — Sergeant
SOL — Soldier
STAFFOF — Staff Officer
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