Chapter Patriots
Following are names and ranks for ancestors of the Edenton Tea Party Chapter members. This list includes Patriots of the American Revolution and ancestors who contributed to the independence cause through civil or patriotic service.
- Jacob Fox, Lt
- Oliver Hammond, Sol
- Daniel Robbins, Pvt/PS
FRANCE (Lauzun's Legion)
- Nymphas Bodfish, Pvt
- Charles Denslow, Pvt
- Stephen England, Sgt
- Seth Oakes, Capt, Pvt
- Richard Berry, PS
- John Bussey, Sgt
- John Carrow Sol/PS
- Jesse Fooks, Sol/PS
- William Fooks, Pvt
- Charles Haymond, Sol
- James Higgins, Pvt/CS/PS
- Benjamin Johnson, Sol
- John Purdy, Pvt
- John Atkinson, Pvt
- John Bailey, PS
- Christopher Barbee, PS
- Abraham Barnett, CS
- Richard Barry, PS
- Nathan Bateman, PS
- Macajah Blanchard, Sol
- Charles Blount, LCol/PS
- John Brinkley, PS
- Jesse Brown, Pvt
- Godfrey Carriger, PS
- Achilles Crafts, Pvt
- Henry Crutchfield, PS
- Joseph Dickens, PS
- Ephriam Elliot, PS
- Stephen Eure, PS
- William Ferebee, CS/PS
- Alexander Grady, PS
- Joseph Graham, Maj
- Elisha Harrell, PS
- Samuel Harrell, Maj
- Richard Haskins, PS
- Moses Hobbs, Pvt
- James Holley, PS
- Thomas Jones, Lt
- James King, Pvt
- Patrick Murphy, CS/PS
- Teter Nave, PS
- Jacob Perry, PS
- Samuel Raynor, CS PS
- Cato Riddell, PS
- Thomas Roundtree, PS
- Joseph Shearin, CS
- Charles Tull, Pvt
- Edward Vail, BGen/PS
- John Ware, Capt
- David Welch, Sol/CS
- Joseph Williams, Pvt
- Peter Winn, PS
- Samuel Bradford, Sol/PS
- Nathaniel Googins, PS
- Cornelius Covenhoven, Pvt
- Robert Laird, Pvt
- Abraham Osborn, Lt/PS
- Adam Bahn, Lt/PS
- Michael Blessing, Pvt/PS
- John Eastwick, Pvt/PS
- Thomas Edwards, Col/CS
- Peter Goodman, PS
- William Griffith, Sol
- John Harbaugh, CS/PS
- Conrad Hite, Pvt
- John Honaker, Pvt/PS
- Valentine Libhart, Pvt/PS
- Henry Norbeck, PS
- John Owens, Pvt
- John Postlethwaite, Pvt/PS
- Peter Rementer, Pvt/PS
- Catherine Smith, PS
- Phillip Wigal, Sol
- William Baskin, Capt/PS
- Bernard Buckner, Sol/CS
- Hawkins Bullock, Pvt
- William Godfrey, Pvt
- John Mangam, Pvt
- George Reed, Col/CS/PS
- Peter Stubbs, Pvt
- Zachariah Blankenbeckler, Pvt/PS
- Jacob Brake, Lt
- John Brent, Maj/PS
- Charles Broadfield, Noncom
- Joel Campbell, CS/PS
- Robert Chambers, Sgt/PS
- James Coleman, PS
- Robert Denny, Lt
- Robert Flippen, Pvt
- James Garrett, PS
- Zachariah Hurt, Pvt
- Daniel Jones, Capt
- John Lester, Pvt
- Turner Morehead, Capt
- James Nantz, Noncom/PS
- Frederic Ream, Pvt/PS
- Charles Simmons, Pvt
- William Skelton, Pvt
- Ralph Stewart, Capt
- William Walker, Jr., Sgt
- James Ware, Lt
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