Chapter Patriots
Listed below are states of service, names, and ranks, for ancestors of the David Williams Chapter members. This list includes Patriots of the American Revolution and ancestors who contributed to the independence cause through civil or patriotic service. (Please note that the information below does not constitute proof of lineage and cannot be used in place of a record copy.)
New Jersey
North Carolina
- David Alderman, SOL
- Benjamin Best, PS
- Nathaniel Bilbory, PVT
- Wimbeck Boney, Sol
- Henry Bonner, MAJ
- Hardy Bryan, CAPT, CMSRY
- Thomas Bullard, PVT
- Amos Church, PVT
- Edward Cook, PVT
- John Ferrior, LT
- John Fulghum, PS
- Alexander Grady, PS
- Lemuel Hardy, PS
- Joseph Hatch, SOL
- Matthew James, SOL
- William Lancaster, Sr., PVT
- Elijah Lassiter, PVT
- William Lewis, PVT
- Benjamin May, MAJ, PS, CS
- Benjamin Milliken, CS
- Zedekiah Mixon, PVT
- James Outlaw, PVT
North Carolina—continued
- Thomas Park, PS
- John Parrott, PS
- Robert Peele, PS
- Oliver Raines, ENS
- Henry Rhodes, LCOL, PS
- William Rowland, SOL
- William Rush, PS
- Benjamin Taylor Smith, PVT
- James Stockard, PS
- Thomas Sutton, SOL
- William Talton, PVT
- John Vannoy, PS
- Isaiah Warren, SOL
- William Whitfield, SOL
- David Williams, PVT
- George Bordner, PVT, PS
- William Getty, PVT
- George Adam Koiner, PS
- George McConnell, PS
South Carolina
- Samuel Robinson, CS, PS, LTCOL
- Josiah Daniel, PVT
- Daniel Dean, SGT
- William Givens, PVT, TMS
- Daniel Smith, COL
- Elisha Witt, PVT
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