~ Membership ~ ![](images/dogwoods2.jpg)
The National Society
Daughters of the American
Revolution (NSDAR) is a
lineage society devoted to preserving history, fostering patriotism, and
promoting education. An applicant for membership must be a woman 18 years of age
or over, and must prove lineal, blood line descent from one who aided achieving
American independence. Documentation for each statement of birth, marriage, and
death must be provided. For more detailed
information on membership requirements,
please visit the National
Society's Membership Page.
Individuals from birth to age 22 may join the
Children of the American Revolution. Males 18 years of age or over may join the
Sons of the American Revolution.
If you are interested in joining our chapter
and want to find out more
send us an
Indicate in SUBJECT line: "I
am Interested in Joining DAR"
Please provide your name, address, telephone number
and email address — and someone will contact you.